When it comes to the health & fitness industry, fat loss is on the mind of more than 90% of gym users (100% guess, but can’t be far off, that’s about our percentage…

But, sadly for some, achieving fat loss is still elusive and is never reached.

Why is this the case?

For most people it’s due to a lack of the following;

  1. Education around nutrition and training

  2. Consistency with nutrition and training

  3. Intensity

  4. Goals & Determination to achieve them

You see this every single day, both in a coach/client environment but also in every day people too.

When it comes to fat loss, the goal is to maintain consistency and regular check-ins/monitoring to ensure progress is tracking in the right direction.

Our Top 4 Fat Loss Tips:

  1. Eat Your Calories

    Under eating can be just as ineffective as over eating in a lot of cases. In our experience, serial under eaters often get a great, FAST result when they increase their calories. This allows some of the metabolic processes to begin working better again, like fat burning and muscle building.

    When you begin to increase your calories, you will also find you’ve got less time and ability to snack and thus over eat on empty calories. PLUS, you’ll have far more energy to train harder, recover quicker, sleep better and of course, be happier because you’re eating, and starting to get great results!

    Focus on eating enough protein to ensure if a calorie deficit is in place, you won’t be chewing through your muscle mass, because muscle mass is what helps us burn more calories throughout each and every day.

    Aim for 1.5-2g/kg of bodyweight.

  2. Move More

    Sure, 4 gym sessions per week is good, but how else can you support your journey? Your body craves movement. So whilst gym work is extremely beneficial, be sure to also add in things you love doing, run, walk, hike, ride, yoga, sport, anything.

    Aim for 10,000+ steps each day to ensure you’re getting more movement in.

    3 gym sessions

    2 movement sessions - walk, sport etc

    1 recovery focused session - stretch, yoga, swim etc.

  3. Stress/Inflammation Management

    This is an important but often overlooked piece of the puzzle.

    If you live a high stress life, you’ll need to work on ways to reduce it.

    Improve your sleep quality and amount, if not enough.

    Remove/reduce inflammatory foods to ease the demand on your digestive

  4. Consistency

    Nothing works without it, and even more so in todays day and age with so much ease in deviating off plan. Social calendars, access to junk and convenience foods.

    Without treating it with the time and energy it deserves, you’ll never find the right balance and approach to achieve something outstanding.

    When I say consistency, I mean day-in-day-out, without compromise. Choose BETTER. Hold yourself to a higher regard and show your body the respect it deserves and it will show you what it’s truly capable of.