Are you our next Fit Mum? Looking for a new challenge?

Reclaim your health & fitness and bounce back after kids with our Famous Fit Mum Challenge


The day to day life of mothers is ever evolving, but what does remain is the incredible sacrifice of time, energy and physical bodies of our mothers for our bubs.

And while an incredible sacrifice to make, it often becomes the way of life for mums, even long after their babies are grown up. The depletion, the sacrifice of self/time to do things which take care of yourself first, often fall short on the priority list, or at least don’t always come easily or guilt free.

At Revive, mothers make up a huge and important part of our community and we have been helping women and mothers like you for YEARS!

At Revive we understand mothers can often be the cog in the family and routine wheel - making everything happen, but we also know the value in health, fitness and wellbeing, having an outlet for mental and emotional health of which movement and physical exercise is so beneficial.

We also know the value of support, where others in your environment can share a similar journey to you. This is how our “Fit Mums” class and challenges was born… no pun intended ;)

At Revive we also believe that access to exercise shouldn’t be limited for mothers due to creche, availability or affordability. That’s why our classes are bub/child friendly, so you never have to miss out! Keep your bub close by or have the option for kids to chill in our Toy Room so you can take an hour for yourself!

So What Is It Exactly?

  • Unlimited group personal training

  • Strength based training with some circuit training too

  • Guided and monitored by our PTs

  • All access to our Facebook community and membership portal for meal plans/recipes/meal and nutrition inspiration

  • Fun and friendly community

  • Supportive and adaptive to all fitness levels/experience

  • Adaptive for PP concerns and ability

  • Reclaim your health, fitness and vitality!

  • Build strength and prioritise yourself with more ease!

To join our Fit Mums community, simply register on the form below and the team will be in touch very soon to discuss our options and how we can help.



2/9 Peel St