Sample week day diet: (on a training day)
5:15am - Meal 1: 3/4 cup oats, soaked overnight w' 1 scoop protein powder and 1 tbsp organic peanut butter with 1 banana added in the morning. I sometimes also add some nuts or seeds in the morning.
6:00am: Black coffee
8:30am: Herbal supplement to increase testosterone and suppress estrogen (cycled)
9:00am - Meal 2 (post workout): Protein and some carbs. Chicken, beef, or eggs, with quinoa, sweet potato. This is alternated using leftovers or meal prep from the previous day.
11:30am - Meal 3: More often than not, it's the same meal as Meal 2. Protein, veggies, salad etc. Chicken with veggies. Black coffee.
2:30pm - Meal 4: Same as Meal 2 & 3, or an omelette with veggies.
7:30pm: Herbal supplement
8:00pm Meal 5: Protein base, with a great deal of variety across the week. I love food too much not to ;)
9:30pm: Magnesium powder in water
My protein changes day to day. My vegetables stay as seasonal as possible. I occasionally juice fruit and veggies, I eat as much fermented foods as possible, I also occasionally throw in some rice cakes with organic butter and peanut butter, because... have you ever tried that?!