Revive Personal Training

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Welcome to Revives Biggest WINNER, where everyone is a WINNER!

A 6 Week Challenge where you'll enjoy the following;

  • increase your fitness

  • reduce your body fat %

  • increase muscle mass and tone

  • improve overall health & lifestyle

  • become the healthiest version of you (most importantly!)

To make a healthy, sustainable change, you need to give yourself a minimum of 4-6 weeks to change and cement in new habits. This program will be the perfect match for you to help you identify and make these changes. 

Tying in with the start of the newest series of The Biggest Loser, we wanted to offer all of you sitting at home, and those feeling lost for direction at the gym a fantastic opportunity to take your goals seriously!

Revive PT Eltham are offering you the chance to take part in their very own Biggest Winner Challenge. Starting with a body scan to help you set a baseline, and to help you set goals off that. At the end of the 6 weeks, you'll receive another body scan to see where you've made the most progress. Across the 6 weeks you'll have access to UNLIMITED group personal training with over 30 classes every week from Mon-Sat (including mums & bubs classes for all of you busy mums and dads) to help you fit in as many sessions as possible that work around your schedule. We like our clients to commit to between 3 & 5 sessions per week on a consistent basis.

This is the first time we're offering this program and it is the perfect opportunity to jump on at the ground floor and become a standout participant for those to follow in the future. 

It's time to stop thinking about doing something positive this year and actually do it! Be accountable to not only yourself but your new health coach and personal trainers too! Join Liam, Amelia and Theany and the rest of the Revive PT family for 6 weeks of health, wellness, fitness and personal development.

We'll arm you with all you need to succeed, all you need to do is let us help you implement it, and once you've achieve an amazing result, allow us to help you celebrate it. 

This is the program you've been waiting for. 

Take part in 6 weeks of;


  • nutrition seminar to help get you started from Day 1

  • an InBody body composition scan Week 1 & Week 6

  • 24/7 access to our Revive Biggest Winner Facebook Accountability Group

  • meal plans for the 6 weeks to guide you in the right direction

  • all the help and support you need from your very own health coach

  • 1st & 2nd place prizes for the top male and female contestants who achieve the best results using body fat %, muscle mass increase, and best lifestyle change.

Everyone will be a winner as you'll all achieve something amazing! You'll not only get a physical result that will have a lasting impact on your health & wellbeing, but you'll also get the knowledge and support that you've struggled without over the years. 

Your investment will be 6 weeks and $299. Be sure to register TODAY before you put it off again and miss the cut off date. Your time is NOW!

So if you can dedicate 6 weeks to yourself and your health, this program is for you! 

So, come May, where would you rather be? Shopping for new clothes, a size or 2 smaller? Or still wishing you had of signed up? I trust you'll make the right decision, and let us take you on a health & wellness journey for 6 weeks!

Fill in the form below and one of our team will get in touch within 24 hours to discuss your enquiry and to get you booked in for your first body scan prior to commencing on March 27th. 


START DATE: Monday March 27th, 2017

FIRST BODY SCAN DATE: Saturday March 25th - 6:45am-8:30am (allow 5-10 minutes)

END DATE: May 5th from 6:00pm

SECOND BODY SCAN DATE: May 6th - 6:45am-8:45am

