Find the perfect balance of protein, salad/vegetables, fruits, plant based foods. Try and eat high quality meats, free range wherever possible, organic/grass fed/pasture fed/wild caught is preferred. With your vegetables, eat primarily organic, where you can, even grow your own.
When you're trying to figure out how many grams of everything you should be eating, work on a 70/30 principle. 70% of your plate should be filled with salad and/or vegetables, and 30% protein of any sort.
Always rotate the vegetables you eat to ensure you're getting a variety of vitamins and minerals from a variety of different coloured vegetables.
Try eating some of your vegetables raw, some cooked. Try changing your snack foods to vegetables.
Try and eat 1 new vegetable every week.
All of these little tips and tricks are a great way to ensure loads of variety in your diet.
Now think of some way you can introduce more vegetables into your diet.
Stay healthy,