When it comes to achieving the body of your dreams, that fills you with confidence, pride, self esteem, and it can properly fuel your lifestyle, keep up with kids and the rest, it’s important to make sure you’re doing a variety of movement.

Exercise is not limited to gym based work. Everything has a place in your routine.

When I go to Bali, I train probably once a week, but will throw in 2-3 yoga sessions, plus more walking and other incidental exercise.

Incidental exercise is what will take you to the next level. If you keep doing the same forms of movement, the same workouts, the same level of output, then your progress will plateau every time. Your body thrives on inconsistency and the unknown. It’s easy to slip into comfort and avoid the extra exercise, like driving around for an extra 5 minutes to try and find a parking space closer to the door, instead of looking for one furthest away. Or for taking the escalator instead of the stairs. All of these add up to give you so much more incidental exercise, and will burn more calories over time, all adding up to extra weight loss and an increase in health & wellbeing.

If you workout in the gym for an hour a day for 5 days, then out of a potential 168 hours in a week, you exercised for 5 of them. This is only 8.4% of your entire week. Now, what if we could also do an extra 30 minutes per day of additional exercise, now leading to 8 1/2 hours of exercise per week. We’ve just taken things from 8.4% up to 14.28%. An increase of 6.8% in our activity level.

Over time, this will make a HUGE impact to your overall physical health & wellbeing. This will also help you to build great healthy habits that will last a lifetime!

Stay healthy,

Coach Liam