When it comes to lifting weights, most people want to be stronger every time they train! They want to lift more weight, and break PB after PB! Sadly, this isn’t the way it is.

When you’re either embarking on a new strength training journey, or you’re looking to crank it up a notch and break through those strength plateaus, these tips will help you moving forward.


When we talk about foundations, whether a beginner or more experienced, these are essential. Meaning, if there is a weakness in your fundamentals and the very foundations of a movement, we must address those first before we focus on building. It will often feel like it’s 5 steps back, but over time, these backward steps are often the only way you’ll ever go forward.

If you have a weak point of a movement, it’s likely because it has been overlooked, or ignored each time.

Take the time to understand what that weak point is for you, and find a way to improve it.

For example, in a barbell back squat, you may find your upper body/torso is folding forward too much, causing lower back pain, or hip flexor pressure.

This could be for a variety of reasons.

it may be due to;

  • tight hip flexors

  • poor joint mobility, check ankles

  • weak posterior chain - erectors, hamstrings, lats

  • plus more

It is important to try and find this is if you are to be successful and develop a bulletproof squat!


Throughout an exercise, how often do you feel in total control of the weight?

Are you quickly dropping or lowering the weight, or do you have it under full and total control?

Is there instability whilst moving the weight? Does the weight move around, left to right, forward and backward? Does one side collapse in for example? Try and identify what happens during each rep and even when fatigue sets in.

Try and perform reps with a controlled or timed tempo. So on the lowering phase of a bench press, from the top of the movement, count down from 5 before it hits your chest. Then press back to the top. Perform the entire set with this same count, and if you can’t, you need to reduce the weight a tad until you can.


You MUST be progressing, or you’re not going anywhere.

When we coach our clients at Revive, we focus on progression in the form of more weight, more reps, more sets for reps, better control, easier tempo etc. These are all signs of progression and you bettering the movement/strength of it.

Focus on progressing each and every opportunity you get!


Aim for perfection! If you’re not improving and focusing on perfection, you’re training towards the unknown. Without focus and concentration on perfection you open the door for imbalances and injuries to creep in and hinder growth.


Are you getting enough rest and recovery?

Every 4-6 week you should consider changing up your training cycle, and implementing a lighter ‘de-load’ week to remove some of the stress from the body so you’re not too overworked and in a constant state of stress.

This will inhibit growth, strength, muscular development and recovery.

Throw in a de-load week every now and then to ensure your body rests, but you still work on perfection of movements.

The week following the de-load week should be on point!

Make sure you give your body the chance to get stronger and build tolerance to a new weight. It’s not about going up every single week so don’t push the natural limitations of your body.

Be mindful of over training and depriving the body of rest (sleep), recovery (days in between) and adequate fuel (calories and water.

I hope you got something from this and you can implement at least 1 thing.

Happy training!

If you’re stuck with a lift, I’m here to offer you a FREE movement assessment to help you fine tune technique and to BOOST your PB next session!

First 5 to fill in the form below will get one!