#3 Your Focusing on The Wrong Things
The fact that you lost 50g since last week has no relevance whatsoever, unless you’re a jockey riding in the Melbourne Cup, then it’s everything.
Get off the scales and focus on the things that will actually have an impact on it. Spend less time stressing and worrying about what the scales will tell you and spend more time concentrating on the things that will deliver the most change. Planning and preparing meals, training properly, researching healthy recipes. All of these have a far great impact over a month than weighing yourself every morning to see the micro changes that may or may not be happening.
If you’re still obsessed, weight yourself once a week max! On good scales and track body weight, body fat %, muscle mass etc.
Get clear on your goals and focus on those more.
Your main goal might be to lose 10 kilos.
Step 1, lose 1 kilo.
Step 2, lose another kilo.
What did I change to make Step 1 work?
What did I then do to help Step 2 work?
Now how can I repeat this over and over again until I’ve lost my 10 kilos?
Why am I stuck at 5 kilos?
Why isn’t it working now after it helped me lose 5 kilos already?
This WILL happen. Get over it. Change something. Do something differently.
I can guarantee if I picked apart your lifestyle, I could find at least 3-5 things that should have changed 12 months ago, and you would already be where you want to be, instead of stressing that you’re not ready for another summer on the beach.
I’m happy to do that for you too, so just ask, but be willing to listen to and accept the hard truth if it comes. We will both get more out of me being honest and giving it to you straight, rather than me sugar coating it and you walking away thinking I’m a nice guy, but you still don’t have any answers.
So hit me up if you want your questions answered!